Parent Cafe : Pine Grove
Come and learn about: Protective Factors to Strengthen Your Family Resilience, Relationships, Knowledge, Support and Communication in Pine Grove at our Parent Cafe

Positive Parenting Class -Reducing Family Conflict
Take advantage of this positive parenting class from GOBHI,

Positive Parenting Class - Homework / Behaviour at School
Take advantage of this positive parenting class from GOBHI,

Positive Parenting Class: Fear-Less & Group Triple P Series
Take advantage of this positive parenting class from GOBHI,

Positive Parenting Class - Bullying / Seld-Esteem
Take advantage of this positive parenting class from GOBHI,

Positive Parenting Class - Bedtime Routines
Take advantage of this positive parenting class from GOBHI,

Positive Parenting Class - Getting Teens to Cooperate
Take advantage of this positive parenting class from GOBHI,

Jump Start Kindergarten
The Jump Start Kindergarten program is specifically for incoming Kindergartners to get a boost before entering elementary school in the fall. They will learn school routines, social emotional skills, and practice beginning academic skills.

Findings and recommendations about the Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health Consultation and Early Childhood Suspension and Expulsion Prevention Program Community Presentation with Christy Cox
June 26th 6:00 - 7:30pm
Join Zoom Meeting