Parent Education Opportunities with Four Rivers Family
Parent Education Series
One-Night Parenting Workshops and Family Activity Nights
One-night workshops and family nights will be offered in the winter and summer when parents may not have the time to commit to a longer series of classes. Topics may include: how to prepare healthy meals, growth and development of children, managing and communicating feelings, routines and behavior supports.
Parent Cafes
Come share and support each other! Parent Cafes provide a safe, non-judgmental opportunity for parents and caregivers to engage in meaningful, reflective conversations about what it means to keep their children safe and families strong.
To find out about more parenting education opportunities or to register, Contact:
Four Rivers Family (Hood River and Wasco County) 541 380 0611 or 541 386 2620
Four Rivers Family (Gilliam, Sherman and Wheeler County) 541 969 4061
Community Classes
Food Hero
Gilliam, Hood River, Sherman, The Dalles, Wheeler OSU Extension Office
Food Hero Is your go-to site for quick, tasty, healthy recipes and helpful tips. Whether you are a beginner or a pro, you will find something new for your family to enjoy.
Visit: to learn more.
For more information on healthy eating or upcoming classes, Contact Lauren Kraemer: Lauren.Kraemer@
Raising Highly Capable Kids (RHCK)
Raising Highly Capable Kids wants to help you give your child that fighting chance to combat the negative influences that inundate them on a daily basis. This 13-week, bilingual evidence-based program helps parents raise healthy, caring and responsible children. With some helpful information, encouragement from others and your commitment, raising highly capable kids really is possible.
For more information on classes, dates and locations Contact Robin Haight:
The Next Door, Inc.
The Next Door Inc. (TNDI) is the largest social service agency in the Gorge. They were founded in 1971 to address the unmet need of support services for youth. Today, TNDI‘s staff and programs continue to strive to fulfill our mission of opening doors to new possibilities by strengthening children and families and improving communities in Oregon and Washington. With over 35 programs, they support and empower people in our community. They help people build skills for loving relationships and healthy lives.
The Next Door (Hood River) 541-386-6665
The Next Door (The Dalles) 541-296-8118
To register in Spanish 541-386-6665
Family Life Skills of Oregon
Mission: Educating individuals to build healthy, sustainable, personal, family, and community relationships in every area of their personal, vocational and community life. Multi-week classes for men, women, and teens that utilize a proven curriculum, teaching individuals to develop strong healthy relationships.
The “Learning to Live, Learning to Love “ curriculum, is a proven, faith-based program developed by Dr. Paul Hegstrom over thirty years ago, is well known for being a parenting/self-parenting class helping one learn what they would have learned in a healthy, whole family growing up. This program helps one understand why they do what they do and teaches students to recognize, deal with, and overcome root causes of destructive behavior, as well as learn what it means to live as an “adult”
Classes meet once a week and are available for men, women and teens.
Those willing to commit to using the concepts taught on an ongoing basis truly are seeing marked improvement maturity and peace in their individual lives, which positively affects all their relationships. This makes for a much stronger, happier, healthier family.
To Register Contact:
Call Mike or Pam Hughes: (541) 386-1170
Email: &